Bedfont Lakes


Three trips to Ashford hospital today; taking in, visitig after operation, and bringing home. After the middle visit I called in at Bedfont Lakes.
An adult Great Crested Grebe shakes himself...
... and settles back in the water.
His offspring looks suspiciously at me...
... and they both swim away as fast as possible.

A little later, the Grebes somehow got involved in a Coot fight. The adult flew/ran away along the surface of the lake. The juvenile watched until the adult was back on the surface, wondering what to do. Then after a couple of half-hearted attempts, he stood up, flapped his wings, and imitated his mentor.
The juvenile G C Grebe tries out his wings.
The Common Terns were in good form. The warden told me later that they have counted 42 Tern chicks this year.
A Commin Tern in flight
A Tern picks up a piece of bread at speed.

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