It was a bright, sunny morning, an ideal day for a visit to Staines Moor, so I thought. How wrong could I be! I set off in an icy wind which cut right through me, making it unpleasant just to keep my head up and my eyes open. The wind also seemed to be keeping most of the wildlife under shelter. The only ones unaffected were the Dabchicks, which spend most of their time under water, but as usual they dived as soon as they saw me, and I was too cold to stand waiting for them to reappear.
Eventually I got close enough to some wagtails for a picture, and also found several pairs of Mallards sheltering together in a clump of water plants. And that was about it, apart from a Robin, a Green Woodpecker, and a passing flock of Fieldfare.
A Pied Wagtail foraging on the river margin. |
A Grey Wagtail. |
Mrs. Mallard |
Then a herd of cows came towards me, bellowing loudly, so I beat a prudent retreat.
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